And then there it was, a positive test.

My pregnancy was not planned, but I'd wanted a child for a long time and didn't know if I'd ever have the chance to become a mother.
I'd been searching for a partner for years and experiencing disappointment after disappointment.

Going through pregnancy solo was difficult at times. It felt like the last phase in shedding the "Disney dream" of how things would go in my life, which was both heartbreaking and empowering. The changes in my body and my athleticism, a big part of my identity, without anyone telling me I was still beautiful, that meant it had to come from within.

I took these photos to honor that the sacrifices were worth it for my daughter, and that I was beautiful for being brave.
And yes part of me cringes when I see the photos because I am judging myself, but mostly I feel really proud.

Proud of my decision to have her.
Proud of my strength in carrying her.
And proud of my confidence that I can do anything - for both of us.

I will treasure these photos for capturing such a special moment in our lives.